who share a passion of wanting to achieve excellence on their fitness journey. Our purpose is to instill a sense of belief and work ethic in each team member to always be better, to realize their own full potential and to help those around them see what is truly possible.
These individuals embark in a lot more than just a physique transformation. When you are passionate, when you are truly inspired to improve each day, you do not have time to be complacent or to compare yourself to others.
We are in our own lane and striving to be the best we can be, the perfect environment to accomplish greatness.
I initially reached out to Kate and Conor from team accomplish during lock down to try and regain some sort of stability and control. I signed up for an 8 week fat loss phase to begin with. Kate and Conor were amazing right from the beginning. They created a home work out plan and hit my nutrition on the head during lock down. Following this successful phase I decided I wanted to push for a photoshoot. this is something I never thought I could do And looking back they could see my potential long before I could. Yet again they were superb during this time as I transited back into the gym. Team accomplish is so unique, it’s more than online coaching. It’s the community they have created that is so supportive of your goals whatever they may be. I’ve never felt more welcome and at home than I have since joint team accomplish 6 months ago.
I honestly couldn’t recommend them enough, combined they are a dream team with so much knowledge under their belt. Everything from meals to training was very easy and straightforward to follow, everything was explained!
I’ve continued my online coaching with them and hope to step on stage next year. I thank my old self daily for reaching out and contacting them, I’m at a place both physically and mentally I though I could never achieve.